Security Upgrades in 2015

2015 has been a big year for security system upgrades. With so much new technology coming out, we thought we’d highlight some of the top innovations in the field. Camera-focused Security Systems Many companies have been featuring cameras as the focal point of their...

Home Invasion vs Burglaries

Traditional alarm systems serve to protect against two main threats, home invasions and burglaries. One may wonder what the difference is between these two invaders. Both kinds of criminals have very different methods and motivations. It’s important to understand this...

Before You Go On Vacation…

August is here and the summer is winding down. Soon the kids will be back in school, but there’s just enough time to take one or two more trips and use some of those well-earned vacation days you’ve been saving up. However, before you leave the neighborhood, here’s a...

Introducing Security Cameras Into Your Home Office

After you’ve decided the range or territories which will experience observation, its essential to set up the home security framework appropriately. A poor establishment won’t get you any outcomes, and on the off chance that you’ve never had any...

FBI Burglary Statistics

Burglary damages lives and is detrimental to communities in the United States. It costs victims billions of dollars each year, not to mention the emotional pain inflicted. Burglary alarms are crucial for homeowners because off the added security benefits. The...

Top Considerations When Buying A Home Alarm System

According to the National and Fire Alarm Association, over 2 million American homes are burglarized every year. Most of them have no home alarm system, so it is safe to say that these alarm systems can do a great job of protecting your home and your family. Home alarm...